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Multimorbidity publications October – December 2011

By Martin Fortin

Here are the results of a literature search that I would like to share with you presenting articles on multimorbidity published between October and December 2011, along with the links to the abstracts or full texts:

1-    Caughey GE, Roughead EE. Multimorbidity research challenges: where to go from here? Journal of Comorbidity. 2011;1:8–10.[Full text]
2-    Cohen E, Bruce-Barrett C, Kingsnorth S, Keilty K, Cooper A, Daub S. Integrated Complex Care Model: Lessons Learned from Inter-organizational Partnership. Healthc Q. 2011;14 Spec No 3:64-70.[Abstract]
3-    De Vries NM, Van Ravensberg CD, Hobbelen JS, Olde Rikkert MG, Staak SB, Nijhuis-van der Sanden MW. Effects of physical exercise therapy on mobility, physical functioning, physical activity and quality of life in community-dwelling older adults with impaired mobility, physical disability and/or multi-morbidity: A meta-analysis. Ageing Resource Review, 11 novembre 2011 (Epub ahead of print). 2011.[Abstract]
4-    Esper AM, Martin GS. The impact of cormorbid conditions on critical illness. Crit Care Med. 2011;39:2728-35.[Abstract]
5-    Gilbert AL, Caughey GE, Vitry AI, Clark A, Ryan P, McDermott RA, et al. Ageing well: Improving the management of patients with multiple chronic health problems. Australas J Ageing. 2011;30 (SUPPL.2):32-7.[Abstract]
6-    Grant RW, Ashburner JM, Hong CC, Chang Y, Barry MJ, Atlas SJ. Defining Patient Complexity From the Primary Care Physician’s Perspective: A Cohort Study. Ann Intern Med. 2011;155:797-804.[Abstract]
7-    Haverhals LM, Lee CA, Siek KA, Darr CA, Linnebur SA, Ruscin JM, et al. Older adults with multi-morbidity: medication management processes and design implications for personal health applications. J Med Internet Res. 2011;13:e44.[Abstract]
8-    Marengoni A, Angleman S, Fratiglioni L. Prevalence of disability according to multimorbidity and disease clustering: a population-based study. Journal of Comorbidity. 2011;1:11–8.[Full text]
9-    Mercer SW, Gunn J, Wyke S. Improving the health of people with multimorbidity: the need for prospective cohort studies. Journal of Comorbidity. 2011;1:4–7.[Full text]
10- Nobili A, Marengoni A, Tettamanti M, Salerno F, Pasina L, Franchi C, et al. Association between clusters of diseases and polypharmacy in hospitalized elderly patients: results from the REPOSI study. Eur J Intern Med. 2011;22:597-602.[Abstract]
11-  Nobili A, Garattini S, Mannucci PM. Multiple diseases and polypharmacy in the elderly: challenges for the internist of the third millennium. Journal of Comorbidity. 2011;1:28–44.[Full text]
12-  Spangenberg L, Forkmann T, Brähler E, Glaesmer H. The association of depression and multimorbidity in the elderly: implications for the assessment of depression. Psychogeriatrics. 2011;11:227-34.[Abstract]
13-  Steinhaeuser J, Miksch A, Ose D, Glassen K, Natanzon I, Szecsenyi J, et al. Questionnaire of chronic illness care in primary care-psychometric properties and test-retest reliability. BMC Health Serv Res. 2011;11:295.[Full text]
14-  Townsend A. Applying Bourdieu’s theory to accounts of living with multimorbidity. Chronic Illn 2011 Dec 2 [Epub ahead of print]. 2011.[Abstract]
15-  Valderas JM, Mercer SW, Fortin M. Research on patients with multiple health conditions: different constructs, different views, one voice. Journal of Comorbidity. 2011;1:1–3.[Full text]

All references are included in our library. Feel free to share with anyone interested in multimorbidity.

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